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Storage of goods in the warehouse and cooperation with the WMS system

Rack storage. How a WMS system and proper labeling of warehouse racks frees up space and reduces order handling time in the warehouse.

WMS system - optimal use of shelving.

The Warehouse Management System is based on barcode technology. It is this technology that provides the ability to automatically identify goods in the warehouse. The system, taking into account the input data about the product (the so-called master data, which includes such information as the dimensions and weight of the product, specific information about the packaging of the product, information about the frequency of rotation), decides how to store the material in the high-bay rack. This is how you get the immediate effect of better organization of storage space, which, at the end of the day, frees up space to store even more products. Another element that carries the potential for better warehouse organization is the alignment of storage strategies with order picking policies. A warehouse managed by a WMS can have separate picking zones (usually level 0 of the warehouse racks) in the high-bay sphere, from which picking of goods for specific customer orders takes place.

Marking of storage racks - transparent storage for each Employee.

Better organization of warehouse operations through the use of modern IT tools can and should be supported by a reorganization of visual shelf labeling. Such visual signs are primarily functional-each component of a high-bay rack should be a separate storage slot, identified by a separate, unique barcode. When directing an Operator to a particular racking location, the WMS “expect” confirmation of reaching that particular area by reading the barcode. In addition to the functional element, rack labeling also brings relief to Warehouse Employees, regardless of seniority and experience. A labeled warehouse becomes visually clearer, and confusion in daily work is less frequent.


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